Message of Christ through the passage of "Tibet"
I think it is my duty to inform Your Excellency of the appearance of eleven symmetries that a painting of "Christ", since in one of them appears what seems to be an "Icon" of Your religion.
Attached to the present email, I'm sending five (5) images, the first being the painting: "Christ" and the second the symmetry I above mentioned. The third, fourth and fifth to compare between them and enjoy as Leonardo da Vinci embedded the "Icon" (a statuette as I like to call it) in its symmetry.
I wonder what the symbols drawn in beneath the statuette are. I also wonder if this statuette has something to do with the "Bodhi Tree" or the "Nirvana". I think Your Excellency is in a position to help me
This painting of "Christ" is signed and there is a fingerprint of the Master and the dates 1503 and 1515.
I would much appreciate Your opinion, both about the painting and the symmetry I found.
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